Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Actually Useful College Prep and Tips

I remember graduating from high school a year ago and reading a million Pinterest posts about going to college and being so excited! It was definitely a great experience and a very memorable time of my life. However, there's a lot I wished I would have known and tons of the pinterest college packing lists and tips that were way too complicated and not actually useful. So here's what I wish I would have known.

First off, you NEED one of these. This picture isn't beautiful I know, but you will have so many textbooks and binders and whatever that you need somewhere to store them all. I lived 3 weeks without one of these and I was going insane. Best thing ever.

Next thing I wished I would have seen on a Pinterest packing list is tinfoil, some form of saran wrap (I like Press N Seal the best), and tupperware for left overs, its hard hard cooking for one and you'll almost always have extras.

I also wasted a lot of money on binders, loose leaf paper, and notebooks.  EVERYTHING IS ONLINE NOW DAYS. If I were to re-buy school supplies, I would have bought one of those 5 star notebooks that have five different sections, pencils/pens, highlighters, and nothing else. I had one class that I occasionally turned in a piece of paper and it was rare. I took my notes on a laptop and it saved my hands from getting cramped, I could read my handwriting, and I remembered everything just fine. I heard before college that hand writing notes instead of typing them helps you to remember it better, but for me it made no difference. Don't overbuy supplies!

Technology is expensive, so in the end do what you can, but if you have the luxury of purchasing a laptop for college, get the thinnest, smallest one you can find. Mine killed my back, and you really need to take it every day to every class. Light and small is absolutely key. Spend the extra money if you can. Also, my parents bought me a printer for my birthday and it was the BEST THING EVER. Having to walk to campus to print something and making sure you have enough money on your student ID card is a pain in the butt. If that's what you have to do because of finances you will be just fine, but if there is any possible way you can have your own printer DO IT.

Invest in command hooks and strips. Don't put holes in your walls and then fill them with toothpaste after, be a good tenant! We had a a command hook that held our mail key which was so nice, we never lost it.

Bring games and movies. We always ended up spending money because it's all we could come up with on a Friday or Saturday night. If you have a birthday or Christmas coming, ask for restaurant gift cards! That's seriously all my roommates and friends asked for for Christmas. And printers if they didn't already have one.

A pizza cutter. I lived off quesedillas and pizza. I'm a horrible example because I was very malnurished in college due to my hatrid of cooking. I felt sick because I never got protein. Eat protein and don't be too lazy to cook meat like I was! My roommates had freezer meals and were always eating well which I was jealous of, just be aware of how much space in the freezer you're taking and always make sure your roommates have room too :)

You NEED a powerstrip. All by your bed you will have an alarm clock, cellphone charger, a lamp, and hopefully a printer to keep plugged in. This is essential.

Decorations really are fun and make a college apartment feel more like home. They aren't essential, but I loved my picture line I had above my bed. It was a great conversation starter, everyone wants to know what your family and friends from home look like, and it was awesome to fall asleep looking at pictures of people I love. You can see it behind me in this picture:

The last thing is to always serve your roommates! Some people are best friends with their roommates, some roommates don't get a long at all, and some just never talk to them or see them. My roommate Stephanie was a sweetheart an made my bed all the time. Make them breakfast when they've had a bad day, borrow each other's clothes, do someone else's dishes. It goes a long way, I promise. In my apartment we were good about talking to each other about things that bugged us, that is SO important. Whenever I was annoyed with a roommate I would spend time with them and realize how much I really loved them and it helped our relationship grow. Just be nice and love each other!

                     Warning: Freshmen girls go NUTS over boys. And stare at them out windows...

          DI is a main source of fun in small towns like Rexburg... We came here way too often...

                               Go to football games and freeze to death, it's fun I promise!

Do crazy things, like riding couches on elevators. 

My lovely roommates and I going to church after staying up until 3 in the morning playing games.

Good luck, have fun, love everyone you meet to death, and don't over buy! Buy most everything when you get there. If you have six girls in an apartment like I did there is no possible way for everyone to fit 6 sets of pots and pans and kitchen towels, dishes, spatulas, etc. Have fun and think of other's before yourself and I promise college will be a great experience:)

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go

I've known that I am supposed to serve a mission since I was a sophomore in high school before the age change even happened. Ever since, my mind has raced with where I would serve. I started having mission call dreams like crazy. I dreamt that I got called to 14 places around the globe, none of which is where I actually got called.

The time came to actually fill out and submit my mission papers. Everyone talks about how Satan works so hard on people when they start the process to apply to be a missionary. For whatever reason, I really didn't feel that until after I got my call. When I was working on my papers I had two church callings, a religion class that had me reading scriptures ALL the time, I was taking mission prep and temple prep, and honestly I don't think Satan could even get into my life because the gospel was 24 hours a day for me. What really helped me the most is that I was constantly praying, it almost felt like I was having a conversation Heavenly Father all day long. At the time I had just moved away to college and felt really alone and the gospel and my relationship with God was all I had. Turns out that's all I needed anyways. What more could I want then a perfect Father in Heaven who loves me perfectly and unconditionally? I mean seriously, the gospel is the best! The hardest part of the application was pulling the stake guy's arm and leg to get me an appointment with the stake president.

It was finals week and I found out my call would be coming THAT Wednesday! I was dying. I wanted to go home so badly. The plan was for me to move home from BYU Idaho on that Friday, but I was so anxious that I called my dad and he took work off and picked me up on Wednesday morning to help me move home. My sister called while I was driving and said that my call had arrived. The rest of the 4.5 hour drive home was spent calling all my closest friends and family to invite them over to my house to watch me open my call. A lot of girls really worry about the logistics of opening their mission call. Who is going to be there, making it a party, doing it by themselves etc. My advice is not to worry about it. All that matters is that you accept the call and go. I personally wanted to share that moment with my family, but seriously, an hour later it doesn't matter how you opened it, breathe :)

The moment when I opened it was incredibly peaceful and calm. I had prayed every day for two months that I would feel at peace with my call and that I would know that is where I needed to go. I really would have been happy anywhere, whether that be Idaho, California, Russia, whatever. When people asked me where I didn't want to go my answer  after explaining my willingness to serve anywhere, were these three missions: 1) Provo Utah since I live in that mission. 2) Pocatello Idaho since I live in Rexburg for school and 3) Anywhere in Africa because I was nervous about how dangerous it is for a white blonde girl like me to get called there. I opened my mission call and I read these words:

"Dear Sister Phillips,

You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You are hereby assigned to labor in the Honduras San Pedro Sula West mission".

I couldn't believe it! I was so happy and felt so at peace. I had tried to envision every country I could think of in that call and Honduras was the one country that hadn't even entered my mind. Remember how I didn't want to go somewhere dangerous? San Pedro Sula is the murder capital of the world and one of the most violent cities in the entire world. The Lord has funny ways of humbling us, but surprisingly I feel completely at peace and I know that the Lord will protect me. I know that when I follow the spirit and every rule with strict obedience, I will be safe. I've also heard that all the violence is within gangs and they generally leave missionaries alone. I know that's where I need to be.

Side note: My boyfriend is in Argentina and I got to tell him on Skype! The funny part about it is that his companion was from Honduras and had been saying for weeks, "Elder Jones, she's gonna get called to Honduras!" It was a joke they had and McKay blew it off every time thinking that would never happen. His companion was dancing in the background when he heard, it was so funny!

I have a testimony that where I serve my mission DOES NOT MATTER. I could have gotten called anywhere in the world and it would have been great, because guess what? The Lord loves His children in Kansas just as much as He loves His children in France, Madagascar, Honduras, China, anywhere that would be considered a "cool" mission. If you want to get called somewhere "cool", consider going on a vacation, because the Lord needs His missionaries to work hard to love His children, not to tell the world and post on Facebook that they got an awesome mission call. Anyways, all mission calls are awesome. Why? Because they are assigned by inspired apostles of God who have revelation for exactly what God wants for you. God knows who you will meet, the mission president you need, the companions you'll have. God knows everything. His plan is perfect, His timing is perfect. Just trust Him. I personally feel like in my life right now I am reading a story called "The Life of Sabrina Phillips" and as I turn each page I experience surprises, excitement, disappointments- everything is new for the first time. God on the other hand has read my story thousands and thousands of times and knows it perfectly. In fact, He is the one who wrote my story, so why do I worry and stress about little details like where I serve a mission? God is the author of my life, and if I put all my faith in Him and trust Him with all my heart, He will give me the happily ever after I've always dreamed of.

I cannot wait to serve the people of Honduras! I feel like I already love them and want more than anything for them to feel Heavenly Fathers love and the blessings that Christ's Atonement brings. The gospel is truly amazing and I cannot wait to share it. Yes it might be dangerous, yes I'm going to sunburn into a tomato, yes I'm going to be covered with mosquito bites (which I'm allergic to), and yes I can't speak a lick of Spanish. It'll be harder than I can imagine and it will definitely build my character, but it will be so incredibly worth it. I love the Lord and will do anything for Him.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

College Pearls of Wisdom

I've never had so much change in such a short amount of time! McKay left on his mission three months ago, I moved out, started college, and became an aunt of two beautiful nephews. The change is a really good thing because obviously I need to progress, learn, and grow, but it's still really hard. Being countries away from my very best friend, being four and a half hours from my family, and living in a city of people I barely know starts to feel lonely. Through it all, I am just so grateful for the gospel in my life. I know that Heavenly Father and my Savior, Jesus Christ are with me at all times no matter where I am or where I go. They are permanent. They never leave. That to me, is the most comforting thing in the world.

I love BYU Idaho, I don't think there could be a greater school anywhere. This place seriously has the most amazing feeling everywhere you go, it feels like I am walking around temple square all day. The sunrises and sunsets are astonishingly beautiful, and I feel Heavenly Father's love for me like a thousand times a day, no joke. My professors and all my classes have been awesome, I've been able to stay on top of all my school work, I get way more sleep than an average college student, and my testimony has grown like crazy. My roommates are awesome. It is definitely hard living in an apartment of five girls with different backgrounds, opinions, cleanliness standards, and personalities, but we all love each other and pull through it anyways. I'm not perfect, they aren't perfect, but hey, that's just how life goes.

One thing I hate, however, is the college town mentality. Of course not everyone falls into this mindset, but it is way more abundant than I expected. Party it up, don't look back, and makeout with a guy on the first date is basically an expectation, if there even is an official date and not just a "hangout". What ever happened to being so excited that a guy held your hand for the first time? First time he put his arm around you, first time you cuddled, first time he kissed you... A slowly progressing relationship is hard to come by these days. I just think its sad that people date just to "get some" and play around. Honestly, it makes me sick. In all bluntness, it sounds like Satan's plan for us to want immediate pleasure instead of eternal joy and happiness. I believe that you can have have fun while following the rules and staying clean. Our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy, and if we do what He asks of us, we will be so blessed and grateful we did.

Living on my own has been an opportunity for me to show Heavenly Father my conversion to Him. Mom and Dad are far away, and no one is forcing me to go to church, read my scriptures, and say my prayers. I'm by no means perfect, but I try to do my best. How converted someone is to God is very obvious by how they live their life. You are a good person based on your behavior, not your beliefs. In my life I have come to realize that being a Mormon means nothing, it's all about being a disciple of Jesus Christ. Little choices and obedience to ALL the rules is so important. Selective obedience means selective blessings. A lot of people here are so upset about the honor code, mostly the grooming standards. Yeah, we have to wear long pants all year round and can't wear flip-flops. I don't know why that is the rule, especially when shorts and flip-flops are completely modest and to church standards, but you know what? It doesn't matter. If that's what I've been asked to wear, I'll wear it. I'll do what has been asked of me to show Heavenly Father my love for Him. So often in life I think we spend way too much time trying to understand why we have the rules we have, instead of just trusting, having faith, and following them with no questions asked. When we worry about whether the rule is a good rule or not, we are only thinking of ourselves and lose sight of the things that are important. Along with this obedience, I have gained a testimony of being in the right place at the right time. I don't always want to go to devotional, ward prayer, FHE, but I always go because that's where I know Heavenly Father would want me to be, and I am blessed for it. When I go to the temple, when I attend all three hours of church, attend family home evening, when I don't skip my morning classes to sleep in, I am so blessed and strengthened in individual ways that Heavenly Father has tailored for me and my life. He knows me, and if I follow Him and all His rules, He will teach me, strengthen me, and help me to grow.

In the end, the Atonement is everything. I think I sometimes expect Heavenly Father to take away all of my trials when I read the scriptures, pray diligently, and do all the things I need to. But He doesn't, and that's okay. He loves me and wants me to learn to be strong and rely on Him. He's my best friend and has been with me every step of the way, and for that I will be forever grateful. I cannot wait to get my mission call next month! There is nothing I want more than to serve Him and give back all that I can, to bring His children to Christ, so they can come home to Him. I want them to feel the joy of the Atonement like I have felt. After all, the Savior died and Atoned for every single person's sins, and I don't want His sacrifice to go to waste.

I'm so blessed and grateful for all that I am learning! Much of it is more spiritual than academic, but in the end I'm absolutely amazed what we can do with Heavenly Father's help. He can make us into much more than we ever could on our own. He has a plan and potential for each of us that is unique and divinely created for us, and if we allow Him to, He will transform us into a celestial and inspiring being.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Family History Work for Beginners

I am about to approach perhaps one of the most feared subjects among Latter Day Saints: genealogy. If you feel like you are too busy, like it’s too hard and complicated, or that you have no idea where to start, let me assure you, you are not alone! I felt that way in the beginning too. Don't freak out, you're normal.

What's the point?
Why should we even do family history anyways? First of all you need to recognize that these are real people. They aren't just names on a screen in front of you, THEY ARE YOUR FAMILY. If you are married, think about how much you love your spouse and children. If you aren't married, think of your desire to marry your eternal companion in the temple and the excitement you have to start a family of your own. The people you do family history work for feel the exact same way you do. They love their family, they want to be with them forever, but they can't because they didn't know about the gospel on earth. They didn't have the chance to be sealed in the temple. That breaks my heart. Can you imagine living in the next life but your little brother got lost somewhere along the line? And the only hope you had were people on earth to find him and seal him to you and your family? Our ancestors are desperately waiting for us. We are their only hope

“When you were baptized, your ancestors looked down on you with hope. … They rejoiced to see one of their descendants make a covenant to find them. Their hearts are bound to you. Their hope is in your hands.”
~ Henry B. Eyring, Hearts Bound Together, Conference April 2005

Common Misconceptions:
1.     “Great Aunt Edna already did all the genealogy work”. This is the most false statement I have ever heard. Even if your line can be traced all the way back to Adam and Eve, you probably still have a ton to do. What people often forget is that almost everyone has kids, and their kids have kids, and their kids have kids and it literally branches on for forever. There is ALWAYS more work to do.
2.     “Genealogy is for old people”. Family history work is for everyone. Teenagers tend to be spending many hours of their day using technology, giving them a great background to figure out one of the easiest websites out there. We all need the blessings of family history work, old and young.
3.     “Family history work is boring”. People who think this, haven’t actually done genealogy. I love family history work because it feels like solving a mystery or a puzzle. You piece together families using historic documents and when you find the names and link everything together you feel an overwhelming peace and joy that you could never feel anywhere else. The spirit of Elijah will catch you and you will LOVE to do your ancestors’ work.
4.     Going to the temple is enough”. Temple attendance is very important, but doing your own family name will intensify the glorious sacredness of the experience. President Howard W. Hunter said:

“There are some members who engage in temple work but fail to do family history research on their own family lines. Although they perform a divine service in assisting others, they lose a blessing by not seeking their own kindred dead as divinely directed by latter-day prophets. . . . I have learned that those who engage in family history research and then perform the temple ordinance work for those whose names they have found will know the additional joy of receiving both halves of the blessing.”
-President Howard W. Hunter, “A Temple-Motivated People,” Ensign, February 1995, 4–5

Where Do I Start?
Always start with a prayer. When I forget to start with a prayer, I end up frustrated, stressed out, and I get nowhere. Pray for the spirit to be with you, pray for comfort when you feel overwhelmed, pray for the time you need, pray for revelation, and pray for your ancestors to be with you. If you pray for all of those things, you will, with patience, find a name and you will feel one of the best feelings you have ever felt in your life. I promise you that.
Having a desire is key to doing this work. If you don’t have the desire, get the desire. Pray, read scriptures, read talks, do whatever it takes to get excited- it’s worth it. However, the best way to get excited is by exploring family search and digging into the work. Overcome any negative thoughts and humble yourself to think “Why not me? Why can’t I be the one to do this missionary work instead of expecting and relying on others to do it?” Elder Richard G. Scott said:

“But what about you? Have you prayed about your own ancestors’ work? Set aside those things in your life that don’t really matter. Decide to do something that will have eternal consequences. Perhaps you have been prompted to look for ancestors but feel you are not a genealogist. Can you see that you don’t have to be anymore? It all begins with love and a sincere desire to help those beyond the veil who can’t help themselves. Check around. There will be someone in your area who can help you have success.”
~Richard G. Scott, The Joy of Redeeming the Dead, Conference October 2012

My wonderful Bishop works for the church and is constantly improving and working on Family Search. Below is the list he made that is a simple tour of Family Search. Once you familiarize yourself with how to use the website, family history work becomes a piece of cake.

A Simple Tour of FamilySearch

•   Go to
•   Click Sign In in the upper right hand corner and enter your LDS Account user name and password.  If you do not have an account, click Create an Account
•   Click on Fan Chart to see how much family history exists for your line. 
•   Click on the FamilySearch logo at the top left to return to the home page
•   Click on Photos to see photos that you have already uploaded.  Then click People on the gray menu to see pictures of all of you relatives that have been uploaded
•   Click on the FamilySearch logo at the top left to return to the home page
•   Click FamilyTree to see your online pedigree. Click on your name. A little box with your name will appear on the screen.  Click on Person in the bottom right hand corner to see or edit information about you
•    Click the down-arrow next to the Tree menu item that is just below the FamilySearch logo.  This will take you back to your tree.
•   If your tree goes back more than more than two generations, you will see arrows pointing to the right on the right hand side of the screen.  Click on the arrows to walk back through your tree (you may need to click on the gray area of the pedigree and drag the pedigree to the left to see the additional white boxes).  Each white box represents a set of parents.
•   As you move your mouse pointer over each white box, it tells you if their temple work is complete.  It also shows additional arrows around the box that will allow you to see their children or other spouses.
•   On the pedigree, click on the name of any ancestor that is dead (preferably some who lived in the late 1800s).  When the box comes up, click Person in the bottom right side of the box.
•   Now on the right hand side of the screen you will see a section entitled Research Help.   Inside of this section is a link called Search Records.  When you click this link, FamilySearch will search through billions of names looking for information about this particular person.  It will open a new tab in your browser and show you all of the records that were found as a result of you search.
•   If you see a record that looks like a possible match, click on the name listed on the record.  This will take you to a new tab that summarizes the data found in that record.
•   In Family History work it is important to keep record of your findings.  You can attach this record to the person in you pedigree.  You have two options: 1) Just click Attach to Family Tree (on the right side of your screen) and then select the name of the person to attach to, or click; or 2) FamilySearch has something called a Source Box where you can store Sources that you are investigating.  You can click Add to My Source Box and the record you just found will be placed in your Source Box for later use.
•   Up on the Main menu click Temple.  This is where you go to see any names you have submitted to the temple.  In the upper right hand side of the screen you will see a sub menu entitled Opportunities, click it.  This shows possible names in your tree that may be ready for temple work.

What if I’m still Confused?
If you are still feeling uncertain about your genealogy skills, go to your ward family history consultants! They love helping you and would be so happy to guide you through it step by step. There are also family search missionaries online you can chat with, family history centers, and tons of online tutorials. Most importantly, have faith- believe in yourself! If you have negative thoughts fill your head, push them out and let it go. Having a positive attitude is key. When you start finding information the spirit of Elijah will hit you so strongly, and you will get very excited and feel a joy you have yet to experience in your life.

What’s in it for me?
The blessings of family history work are literally endless. Every person you find will become a guardian angel in your behalf. Even the joy alone of finding a family and doing their ordinances is worth it. Accomplishing something you thought was so hard and impossible is an amazing feeling as well. Here is a list of blessings that gives:

I have a very strong testimony that family history work needs to be a part of our daily lives. As I have found my ancestors and taken their names to the temple, I have gained the best friends I have ever had.  These people are real; they are your family. When you die, you will be surrounded and encircled by your ancestors who love you and appreciate you making their exaltation possible. You will find that you love these dear family members as much as they love you. Gaining these heavenly relationships is the best protection available and you will find more joy, peace, comfort, and help in your life as you do their sacred work. You can do it. These people are worth every sacrifice. The resources around you are endless and if you have the desire, and you commit yourself to this missionary work, how great will be your joy. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

McKay's Mission Call

McKay and I have been together since December 7th 2012. I'm so incredibly grateful for over a year of memories and amazing experiences with my best friend, and now I am so excited for him to serve as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He got called to the Argentina Buenos Aires South mission and leaves on July 30, 2014. We both couldn't be more excited!

I've always known that McKay would leave me for two years to serve the Lord, and that is exactly what I want him to do. Of course it is going to be hard being apart for so long, but over and over Heavenly Father has confirmed to me that I will be taken care of while my best friend is across the world. All over social media I see missionary girlfriend posts, packages, and unhealthy obsessions of dwelling on their missionary. I completely understand how hard it is, but let me emphasize that McKay is not dying. He is leaving to serve the Lord and the people of Argentina- to make a difference in the world. I will not cry myself to sleep every night, write him lengthy novels every week, and I will not mope and mourn because he is gone. I'm going to go to college, live my life, and show the Lord how appreciative I am that McKay is going to have the best experience of his life so far.

I am so blessed to date one of the most respectful, kind, selfless, and loving guys to ever walk this planet. The past sixteen months have been absolute bliss- of course I am going to let him go for two years to serve the Lord! How could I not? I would be so ungrateful to let my selfishness get in the way of other's salvation. McKay loves God. His dedication to the gospel, his hard work ethic, and his selfless attitude will make him an absolutely amazing missionary, and nothing will hold him back. When I get home from my mission it will have been two and a half years, and in the eternal scheme of things, that is a short amount of time. Of course there will be hard times where we will miss each other so much, but helping others come unto Christ is so worth a few years away from each other. Giving people an opportunity to gain a testimony and feel God's love for them is a blessing, not a punishment. 

Again, I couldn't be more excited and thankful for McKay to serve a mission. He will be an AMAZING missionary and the people of Argentina will be so blessed.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

True Beauty

So many girls today feel ugly, or like they just aren't good enough. That breaks my heart. I have always strongly felt that Satan uses self confidence to get some of Heavenly Father's strongest daughters. He knows he won't be able to get them to commit any kind of serious sin, but he can convince these beautiful daughters that they aren't good enough and never will be. There is a huge difference between cockiness and confidence. After all, "We don't discover humility by thinking less of ourselves; we discover humility by thinking less about ourselves" -President Dieter F. Uchtdorf (Pride and the Priesthood).

When someone compliments us, why is it so hard to say "Thanks!" and actually believe them? So often I hear girls turn down a compliment or mutter "thanks" under their breath while they are thinking whatever you're crazy. Let us again take President Uchtdorf's advice and simply stop it. Girls, we are beautiful. I don't care what age, shape, size, or height you are. God made you and He doesn't make mistakes. We are created in the image of God. Girls, we look like Him! In the end it shouldn't even matter what we look like on the outside, and it doesn't. Who we are and what we spend our time on are what truly matter to our Father in Heaven. Of course it's important to be healthy and have good hygiene, but please please please, believe that you are beautiful. Once you know you're beautiful, everyone else will too.

If you are worried about what the boys think, you are not looking for the right guy. If your boyfriend tells you that you are not beautiful, dump him, and dump him fast. EVERY girl deserves to be told they are beautiful. And if a guy isn't telling you you're beautiful every ten seconds, breathe. Boys will be boys and they get nervous. In the end, it is completely your choice whether you feel beautiful or not. No it's not easy, but if you pray to Heavenly Father He will help you because you are His daughter and He loves you.

Ladies, life is too short to worry about something so unimportant. Put on a little makeup and put yourself together, but don't lose sleep and your precious time for what the world wants of you. Dress modestly! If you aren't covering up, you are defiling you precious body, your temple, that God gave you. This may sound harsh, but an immodest girl literally becomes walking porn. Hold on to your virtue ladies and help the boys out.They are trying so hard to be good and prepare for missions and immodesty disrespects them. They are our priesthood holders and we should be honoring and supporting them. Be honest with yourself, are the shorts too short? Is the shirt too low? I'm not perfect with modesty and sometimes it's really hard to change. But in the end, if you can't wear garments with it, it probably ought to go.


 Marjorie Pay Hinkley said,

“I don't want to drive up to the pearly gates in a shiny sports car, wearing beautifully, tailored clothes, my hair expertly coiffed, and with long, perfectly manicured fingernails.
I want to drive up in a station wagon that has mud on the wheels from taking kids to scout camp.
I want to be there with a smudge of peanut butter on my shirt from making sandwiches for a sick neighbors children.
I want to be there with a little dirt under my fingernails from helping to weed someone's garden.
I want to be there with children's sticky kisses on my cheeks and the tears of a friend on my shoulder.
I want the Lord to know I was really here and that I really lived.”

My prayer ladies is that we learn to love ourselves. We are daughter's of God, let's start acting like it. He loves us and is routing for us, and wants us to love ourselves too. Let's use the atonement, let's serve, and use our blessings to the fullest advantage. Love yourself for who you are and never forget how beautiful you are.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I am Not a Piece of Paper

This is the most stressful time of year for a senior in high school. College applications are due at the end of this week. I have been feeling so much stress and pressure with ACT scores, applications, scholarships, and deciding what college to go to. Everything has been weighing down on me and I realized, the world wants me to be a piece of paper.

I am NOT a piece of paper. I care about who I am, not what I look like on an application. I don't have a 4.0, I have a low ACT score after taking it 5 times, and I haven't gone to Africa and saved lives. Sorry, but I'm not perfect! It feels like colleges now days just want robotic, perfect people. Everything has gotten so competitive that I feel like I'm not even allowed to be human.

I applied for a scholarship called Sterling Scholar at my school in the Family and Consumer Sciences category. The interview went perfectly, I was very qualified and feeling excited. I was in my sewing class when one of the teachers who interviewed me came in with a bouquet of roses and chocolates. She stopped my class and said she had an announcement to make. Naturally my heart started pounding with excitement thinking that I won. She then announced to my entire class that I lost and that I was runner up. This sweet teacher's intent was to make me feel good for trying, but in reality it humiliated me in front of all my classmates and I got congratulated on losing for the rest of the day. (It's important to note that I am so happy for the girl who got the award and I hope the best for her!) This experience horrified me and the second the bell rang I sprinted to my car crying and didn't go back to school that day. I got on my knees and cried to my Heavenly Father for comfort. I then had an overwhelming desire to receive a priesthood blessing. I had training for a new job in a matter of hours and I couldn't seem to calm myself down. My dad was working in Salt Lake, I couldn't get a hold of either of my brother-in-laws, and my brother was out of town. I then had the thought that a seminary teacher might be able to give me a blessing. I called to the seminary office and the secretary informed me the only teacher with prep period was my teacher Brother Walker who I am very close to. Instantly a relief fell over me that I knew I was going to be able to receive a blessing from a very close friend and I knew I would be okay. What a tender mercy and great experience that was to speak with him and receive a blessing.

Heavenly Father took care of me in my moment of heartache. He always does. Why? Because I am His daughter. I have decided that it does not matter what the world thinks of me. It doesn't matter what college I get into, it doesn't matter what score I got on my ACT, and it doesn't matter if I have straight A's. I am a daughter of God and He loves me. That's what matters. I still struggle with so many things and I am so far from perfect, but I know that Jesus Christ died for me and that He is always there. God has a plan for me. I can only do what I can do and in the end grades and test scores won't matter. Where I'm going and what I'm doing with the rest of my life is a mystery to me, but with Jesus Christ by my side, I know I'll be okay.