
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go

I've known that I am supposed to serve a mission since I was a sophomore in high school before the age change even happened. Ever since, my mind has raced with where I would serve. I started having mission call dreams like crazy. I dreamt that I got called to 14 places around the globe, none of which is where I actually got called.

The time came to actually fill out and submit my mission papers. Everyone talks about how Satan works so hard on people when they start the process to apply to be a missionary. For whatever reason, I really didn't feel that until after I got my call. When I was working on my papers I had two church callings, a religion class that had me reading scriptures ALL the time, I was taking mission prep and temple prep, and honestly I don't think Satan could even get into my life because the gospel was 24 hours a day for me. What really helped me the most is that I was constantly praying, it almost felt like I was having a conversation Heavenly Father all day long. At the time I had just moved away to college and felt really alone and the gospel and my relationship with God was all I had. Turns out that's all I needed anyways. What more could I want then a perfect Father in Heaven who loves me perfectly and unconditionally? I mean seriously, the gospel is the best! The hardest part of the application was pulling the stake guy's arm and leg to get me an appointment with the stake president.

It was finals week and I found out my call would be coming THAT Wednesday! I was dying. I wanted to go home so badly. The plan was for me to move home from BYU Idaho on that Friday, but I was so anxious that I called my dad and he took work off and picked me up on Wednesday morning to help me move home. My sister called while I was driving and said that my call had arrived. The rest of the 4.5 hour drive home was spent calling all my closest friends and family to invite them over to my house to watch me open my call. A lot of girls really worry about the logistics of opening their mission call. Who is going to be there, making it a party, doing it by themselves etc. My advice is not to worry about it. All that matters is that you accept the call and go. I personally wanted to share that moment with my family, but seriously, an hour later it doesn't matter how you opened it, breathe :)

The moment when I opened it was incredibly peaceful and calm. I had prayed every day for two months that I would feel at peace with my call and that I would know that is where I needed to go. I really would have been happy anywhere, whether that be Idaho, California, Russia, whatever. When people asked me where I didn't want to go my answer  after explaining my willingness to serve anywhere, were these three missions: 1) Provo Utah since I live in that mission. 2) Pocatello Idaho since I live in Rexburg for school and 3) Anywhere in Africa because I was nervous about how dangerous it is for a white blonde girl like me to get called there. I opened my mission call and I read these words:

"Dear Sister Phillips,

You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You are hereby assigned to labor in the Honduras San Pedro Sula West mission".

I couldn't believe it! I was so happy and felt so at peace. I had tried to envision every country I could think of in that call and Honduras was the one country that hadn't even entered my mind. Remember how I didn't want to go somewhere dangerous? San Pedro Sula is the murder capital of the world and one of the most violent cities in the entire world. The Lord has funny ways of humbling us, but surprisingly I feel completely at peace and I know that the Lord will protect me. I know that when I follow the spirit and every rule with strict obedience, I will be safe. I've also heard that all the violence is within gangs and they generally leave missionaries alone. I know that's where I need to be.

Side note: My boyfriend is in Argentina and I got to tell him on Skype! The funny part about it is that his companion was from Honduras and had been saying for weeks, "Elder Jones, she's gonna get called to Honduras!" It was a joke they had and McKay blew it off every time thinking that would never happen. His companion was dancing in the background when he heard, it was so funny!

I have a testimony that where I serve my mission DOES NOT MATTER. I could have gotten called anywhere in the world and it would have been great, because guess what? The Lord loves His children in Kansas just as much as He loves His children in France, Madagascar, Honduras, China, anywhere that would be considered a "cool" mission. If you want to get called somewhere "cool", consider going on a vacation, because the Lord needs His missionaries to work hard to love His children, not to tell the world and post on Facebook that they got an awesome mission call. Anyways, all mission calls are awesome. Why? Because they are assigned by inspired apostles of God who have revelation for exactly what God wants for you. God knows who you will meet, the mission president you need, the companions you'll have. God knows everything. His plan is perfect, His timing is perfect. Just trust Him. I personally feel like in my life right now I am reading a story called "The Life of Sabrina Phillips" and as I turn each page I experience surprises, excitement, disappointments- everything is new for the first time. God on the other hand has read my story thousands and thousands of times and knows it perfectly. In fact, He is the one who wrote my story, so why do I worry and stress about little details like where I serve a mission? God is the author of my life, and if I put all my faith in Him and trust Him with all my heart, He will give me the happily ever after I've always dreamed of.

I cannot wait to serve the people of Honduras! I feel like I already love them and want more than anything for them to feel Heavenly Fathers love and the blessings that Christ's Atonement brings. The gospel is truly amazing and I cannot wait to share it. Yes it might be dangerous, yes I'm going to sunburn into a tomato, yes I'm going to be covered with mosquito bites (which I'm allergic to), and yes I can't speak a lick of Spanish. It'll be harder than I can imagine and it will definitely build my character, but it will be so incredibly worth it. I love the Lord and will do anything for Him.