
Monday, March 24, 2014

McKay's Mission Call

McKay and I have been together since December 7th 2012. I'm so incredibly grateful for over a year of memories and amazing experiences with my best friend, and now I am so excited for him to serve as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He got called to the Argentina Buenos Aires South mission and leaves on July 30, 2014. We both couldn't be more excited!

I've always known that McKay would leave me for two years to serve the Lord, and that is exactly what I want him to do. Of course it is going to be hard being apart for so long, but over and over Heavenly Father has confirmed to me that I will be taken care of while my best friend is across the world. All over social media I see missionary girlfriend posts, packages, and unhealthy obsessions of dwelling on their missionary. I completely understand how hard it is, but let me emphasize that McKay is not dying. He is leaving to serve the Lord and the people of Argentina- to make a difference in the world. I will not cry myself to sleep every night, write him lengthy novels every week, and I will not mope and mourn because he is gone. I'm going to go to college, live my life, and show the Lord how appreciative I am that McKay is going to have the best experience of his life so far.

I am so blessed to date one of the most respectful, kind, selfless, and loving guys to ever walk this planet. The past sixteen months have been absolute bliss- of course I am going to let him go for two years to serve the Lord! How could I not? I would be so ungrateful to let my selfishness get in the way of other's salvation. McKay loves God. His dedication to the gospel, his hard work ethic, and his selfless attitude will make him an absolutely amazing missionary, and nothing will hold him back. When I get home from my mission it will have been two and a half years, and in the eternal scheme of things, that is a short amount of time. Of course there will be hard times where we will miss each other so much, but helping others come unto Christ is so worth a few years away from each other. Giving people an opportunity to gain a testimony and feel God's love for them is a blessing, not a punishment. 

Again, I couldn't be more excited and thankful for McKay to serve a mission. He will be an AMAZING missionary and the people of Argentina will be so blessed.

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